President's Message
The Montgomery County Chapter of The Society is a 501 (c )3 nonprofit organization chartered on May23, 1993. As women dedicated to the intellectual, social, and economic development of youth in the arts, we serve as a resource for young people in The Arts and promote educational, civic, and cultural experiences within our communities.
The Arts are a manifestation of one’s internal creative impulse: literature-poetry, short stories, novels; performing arts-music, dance, theatre; media or visual arts--drawing, painting, or sculpturing.
Young people are our future leaders. We advocate for the artistic development of talented youth by providing opportunities for then to share their talents in these genres through participation in our biennially Showcase. These exceptional students ae enrolled in middle, high school and are undergraduates in colleges and universities from the metropolitan area.
Further to help provide opportunities for youth to experience art, we develop collaborative partnerships with other organizations with similar goals. Among our current partners are the NAACP ACT-SO, a youth achievement program; Princess Mhoon Dance Institute, a dance studio striving to cultivate the art of movement in everyone, and the Montgomery County Association of Black School Educators (MCABSE) and the Strathmore Intensive Summer Intern Program.
As a chapter of The Society, we are committed to improving our community through recognizing exceptionally talented young artists providing them scholarships to assist them as they strive to reach their goals. In doing so, we continue to uphold the vision of our founders to build a more diverse community within The Arts.
We remain committed to upholding the vision of our founders of “Women dedicated to the intellectual, social and economic development of youth in the arts.”
Mary P. Douglass